Obese children prone to diabetes: experts

09 Apr, 2004

Health experts said that the government should ensure availability of diabetes medicines for checking the disease effectively and cautioned that more children are becoming obese in Pakistan making them highly vulnerable to developing Type II diabetes, a fatal disease triggered by high sugar level in blood.
Experts recommended here on Thursday that the medicines like rosiglitazones, a drug available in Europe, should be made available for the diabetic patients. Certain drugs with side effects could have very serious implications on the human body, they added.
Experts claimed that the said medicine attacks the origin of the disease and halts its progression into developing life-threatening complications. Moreover, rosiglitazones carry no harmful side effects as has been proved by a number of research studies.
They opined that there are many medicines available in the market, which claims to be an effective cure for Type II diabetes, not all medicines address the underlying causes of the disease. Some only target the symptoms whereas others instead exacerbate it through harmful side effects.
In Pakistan, there are 8.8 million Type II diabetic patients. Type II diabetes is now no more called adult-onset disease as it has affected millions of children across the globe.
Obesity is reckoned with sedentary lifestyles and lack of exercise as the main factor contributing to Type II diabetes. Type II diabetes is characterised by a high blood sugar level.
The body's cells become desensitised to the insulin secreted by beta cells of the pancreas. Insulin helps body to convert starches and carbohydrates into energy.
The unabsorbed insulin starts accumulating in the body forcing the pancreas to overwork.
Though at times Type II diabetes could be a-symptomatic ie showing only mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. However, excessive thirst, fatigue, frequent urination, wounds that heal slowly and a high rate of infections are some of the classic symptoms that help one recognise the onset of disease.
In most cases, the symptoms are looked over as stress, or signs of old age, therefore most people with diabetes don't even know they are inflicted with a fatal disease.
If left unchecked and untreated, the symptoms could lead to serious complications, which could result in death. Complications like renal dysfunction and stroke etc develop when Type II diabetes reaches its advanced stage.

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