Revised master plan of Gwadar presented to Balochistan chief minister

08 Apr, 2004

Revised master plan of Gwadar presented to Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Yousuf here predicts that it would be developed not only into international sea port but also into an international city Singapore, Hong Kong and Dubai.
Official sources confirmed here on Wednesday that Gwadar would be congestion-free for an easy direct road access to India, China, Afghanistan, Iran and all Central Asian States. Gwadar catchement area would be entire NWFP, Western Punjab and whole of Balochistan.
The plan also provides for railroad network. Survey for linking Gwadar with ECO at Taftan (Pak-Iran border town) via Dalbandin, Chagai district rich in mines and minerals. The plan also envisages construction of expressway from Gwadar to Rato Dero (Sindh) on Indus Highway and Khuzdar-Quetta-Chaman-Kandhar on ECO Highway.
Gwadar is already under connection with Karachi through coastal highway to Jiwani (Pak-Iran border town) via Sonmiani, Ormara and Pasni. So far as sea trade is concerned the plan has been so designed as to promote trade and commerce with Central Asian States, Afghanistan, Iran, Persian Gulf, East Africa, United Arab Emirates and North Western India.
The master plan also provides both for public and private sectors safe investment in land commercial, industrial development at Gwadar already declared by the government as duty-free port and a free economic zone, first in Pakistan.

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