Rs 10 million approved for Peshawar city schemes

06 Apr, 2004

NWFP Chief Minister Akram Khan Durrani has said the MMA government is concentrating on the development of provincial metropolis, and approved schemes worth Rs 10 million for PF-I, which include repair of roads and sewerage schemes.
He stated this while addressing elite of the area on the annual day of the Hudabia International Model School here on Monday.
Durrani said that Peshawar is like a heart of the province, and its development is priority of the present government, adding the provincial and district governments will work together for resolving problems of the this historical city.
He said President Musharraf, during his referendum campaign, promised with Peshawarites for the provision of Sui gas and sinking of tube-wells, therefor, the MMA government has started efforts for implementation of these projects.
Referring to construction of modern bus terminal and the provision of drinking water to the Peshawar City from the Warsak Dam, the chief minister said these projects will solve a number of problems in the city, adding more funds have been allocated for these projects.
He said Rs 4 million has been approved for the provision of Sui gas to Momin Town, and also announced the repair of Peshawar city roads on the occasion.
He said the construction of the Kabul River Canal Road has been approved, which will cost Rs 60 million, adding the district government has approved the repair of tube-wells besides, modern fire brigade.
Durrani said it is regretted that the past rulers preferred looting money over provision of basic amenities to the masses, adding those, who had remained twice on helm of affairs in NWFP, are talking of issuing white paper about the MMA rule, as we are committed to spending the public money on welfare of public and we are proud of it.
He said the incomplete Ring Road project is the proof of the past governments' wrong policies, adding the amount allocated for the project was spent only on mutation of 300 acres of land.
He said the surplus teachers and police recruitment in Charsadda and Nowshera districts is another example of favouritism of the past rulers and negligence of other districts.
The NWFP chief minister said the MMA government believed in uniform development of all the districts of the province, adding the MMA government has raised voice for the rights of the province.
Referring to the profit on net hydle profit, Durrani said the province annually owes Rs 17 billion to Wapda, the federal water and power minister, however, should realise the situation when he was in opposition, raising the issue which is on the record.
The chief minister said the province can sacrifice power for the sake of its rights, adding owing to our efforts the federal government has agreed to increase share of the provinces in the divisible pool from 37.7 percent to 48, and the increase in resources will help eliminate sense of deprivation of provinces.

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