Entry in Supreme Court by pass on April 7

06 Apr, 2004

The Supreme Court administration has imposed restriction on entry of litigants and visitors for Wednesday, which would be by an entry pass.
A notice put on the public notice board on Monday said: "It is notified for information of all concerned that on 7.4.2004 (Wednesday) entry of general public inside the Court Building shall be restricted through passes.
The employees of this Court as well as other offices performing duty in the Building shall be allowed entry on production of their official identity cards.
"The Advocates-on-Record whose cases are fixed before the Court for 7.4.2004 are, therefore, requested to contact the undersigned for obtaining passes for their clients along with particulars of their cases, number of the bench and name of the advocate."
Two petitions of Shehbaz Sharif are listed before the First Bench here for Wednesday.

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