Reforms in auto industry

04 Apr, 2004

Your newspaper seems to have become a battleground for car manufacturers and advocates of reconditioned cars.
Every other day, a letter or an article appears arguing fiercely in favour of respective points of view. But where is the objective and balanced opinion promoting and safeguarding the interests of the general public?
Some speak for reforms in the auto industry whereas others call for immediate import of old cars.
There could be no question of root-to-branch reform in the auto industry. The reform is already under way expedited and accelerated as media reports suggest. What we need is to let the industry consolidate itself firmly.
There is a word 'self-reliance' in the dictionary. Let us objectify the word by completing the deletion programme.
For how long, we will bank on developed nations? Keeping in view geo-political and strategic situation in the world, can we afford to carry the begging bowls in the upcoming scenario? What if sanctions are slapped, inflow of old cars or any other stuff will go on?
Don't we Pakistanis swell with pride to see "Made in Pakistan" wheelers racing on our roads?
Let us be independent in political spheres, foreign affairs, and all sorts of industries and defence programmes. This is the only key to dignified survival.

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