NSC to strengthen political system: Afgan

04 Apr, 2004

National Security Council (NSC) would bring stability in the political system of the country, said parliamentary leader of the PPP Patriot Sher Afgan on Saturday.
Talking to ARY, he said walkout by the opposition members on Friday was unjustified as the bill was just being tabled and they started protest.
He said: "Actually, the bill provides for the establishment of a security council to act as a forum for consultation on matters of national security, including the crisis management.
Replying to a question, he said in the past, army chiefs were involved in political affairs and NSC would end this practice.
Sher Afgan said, opposition members should take part in the debate over the NSC bill and if they have positive recommendations, they should present them. "The bill can be amended," he added. He said, this would work as a check and balance system.
"Apprehensions are wrong that formation of the NSC will harm supremacy of the Parliament, rather Parliament would have more pivotal role," he said.
To another question, he said the bill has no objectionable thing, which can harm the parliamentary democratic system of the country.
The NSC, he said, would be a consultative body consisting of 13 members. Chairman Senate, Speaker National Assembly, Prime Minister, four chief ministers, services chiefs of armed forces and Leader of the Opposition would be its members, he added.
He said, with the existence of NSC, there would be no requirement of laws like 58-2/B. He said: "The National Security Council is a must for solidarity of Parliament and democracy."
To a question, Dr Sher Afgan said reservations being shown by the Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) are baseless.
To another question, he said that the bill would be adopted as an act, "even the opposition boycotts its proceedings, as its passage requires simple majority and the government enjoys the same in the House".

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