Kabul considering to ban right-hand drive vehicles, betel-nuts import

04 Apr, 2004

Afghanistan is actively considering Pakistan's request for putting ban on the import of right-hand drive vehicles and betel-nuts.
Diplomatic sources said here on Saturday that such items of Afghan imports were adversely affecting Pakistan's economy. In Afghanistan, there is left-hand drive, while in Pakistan it is right-hand drive. Right-hand drive vehicles imported into Afghanistan finally find their way into Pakistan, shattering Pakistan's automobile industry.
Right-hand drive vehicles are imported from Japan in big containers via Dubai and Bunder Abbas (Iran) which reach Islam Qila (Afghanistan). As such vehicles have no utility in Afghanistan, because of left-hand drive, all these vehicles, including cars, Land Cruiser, Pajero, Coasters, Jeeps and vans are smuggled into Pakistan via NWFP and Balochistan without any duty and tax.
In this way, on the one hand, Pakistan is deprived of duty and taxes and, on the other, Pakistan automobile industry suffers.
Similarly, betel-nuts mostly imported from India and Indonesia by Afghanistan through the same route as vehicles are not used at all by the Afghans as they do not use betel-nuts which item is used with betel leaves.
At Islam Qila (Afghanistan) one kg betel-nut is available at not more than Rs 20. The price then starts soaring to Rs 55 per kg at Chaman, at Quetta Rs 90 per kg and at Karachi Rs 140 per kg.
These sources said that as fraternal and friendly ties are rapidly growing between Afghanistan and Pakistan, both countries are sympathetic to each other's problems and are mentally prepared for every possible relief for each other's economy.

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