Women's associations network planned

29 Mar, 2004

The Sindh Women Development Department (SWDD) plans to initiate networking of all the non-governmental organisations working for the womenfolk in the province, Provincial Minister for Women Development Dr Saeeda Malik said.
The networking of women associations would strengthen them further to raise voice for the rights of womenfolk who are subjected to domestic violence, harassment at workplace, sexual harassment and other atrocities, she said while talking to a group of newsmen here on Sunday.
Dr Saeeda Malik, who returned a couple of days back after a week-long visit to Germany, told that the visit under a programme on "Gender Equality Policy in Germany and Pakistan" provided them a chance to study the policies and working of German government with regard to women rights.
It was inspiring for us to know that they have networking of 52 women associations registered with the government having over 11 million members. These associations hold meetings and do lobbying jointly at all the levels for the rights of women. " I observed there that they were much ahead of us with regard to human rights," she said.
Dr Saeeda was in much praise for the German authorities that have established 440 centres across the country for the women to provide shelter and other help to them. They are provided with full social security and even a handsome allowance as an incentive to give birth to more children for negative birth rate currently existing there.
About 42 percent of the total German workforce consist of women. Of them 55 percent were university graduates and 45 percent with higher degrees while the participation ratio of German women in politics was about 30.9 percent, she told adding that German government has also established career building centres and 'baby day-care centres' for the women.
She said we would benefit from this experience and evolve such policies and strategies in Pakistan.
Dr Saeeda revealed that as a part of National Gender Reform Action Plan, her department has already prepared Provincial Gender Reform Action Plan envisaging legal, political, constitutional and other proposals for the protection of women's rights. This would be ADB funded project.
"We have proposed 33 percent representation to women in parliament, public service commissions and other government bodies and organisations. The action plan would be presented in provincial cabinet for approval in its next meeting," she added.
The minister said she also plans to hold Open Kutchehris purely for women all over the province to take stock of their problems and also encourage the women to approach to the women centres for redressal of their grievances."

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