Only UN resolutions guarantee peaceful solution of Kashmir

29 Mar, 2004

AJK President Mohammad Anwar Khan has said that only UN resolutions can resolve the Kashmir dispute according to the wishes of the Kashmiri people.
He was addressing as chief guest at the oath ceremony of the newly elected office-bearers of the District Bar Association, Bagh, the other day.
Besides others AJK Minister for Electricity Akbar Khan, MLA Mohammad Yasin Khan, who belongs to Bagh, and newly elected President of the District Bar Association, Bagh, Tariq Masood, also addressed the meeting.
About the Pakistan-India dialogue, the AJK President said that only result-oriented and conclusive talks could ensure peaceful and durable solution of Kashmir issue, and added that talks should be result-oriented in which the aspirations of Kashmiri people are honoured in the peace process, he added.
He said that Kashmir dispute has been passing through a crucial juncture of the history and the time demands that Kashmiri people should express complete solidarity and unity among their folds.
President Anwar said that the ongoing freedom struggle of the Kashmiri people is being fought on the basis of their internationally recognised right of self-determination and in accordance with the UN Charter.
The struggle which has the backing of UN SC resolution can not he blamed or aligned with terrorism, he added.
He said Kashmiri people are peaceful and want peace in the region. They just want their legitimate right of self-determination.
Anwar said Kashmiri people have offered large scale and unprecedented sacrifices for the noble cause of freedom and have written a golden history with their sacred blood by making tremendous sacrifices.
The AJK President said the Kashmiri people has noting to do with terrorism and to malign this legitimate struggle with terrorism was wrong approach.
Commenting on Muzaffarabad-Srinagar bus service proposal he said this would only be acceptable to the Kashmiri people if the facility is made possible without Passport and Visa condition, saying that the Kashmiri people would never accept visa condition within their homeland.
About the cease-fire and confidence building measures he said effects of CBMs should also be seen and visible in occupied Kashmir but despite all measures, the Indian forces are actively engaged in massacre of innocent people, extra-judicial killings which is gross and systematic violation of human rights.
The President assured the lawyers community of Bagh to take up the matter setting up of High Court and Shariat court benches in Bagh.
He also announced Rs 300,000 donation for construction of 'Lawyers Chamber' in Bagh. Rs 100,000 was also announced by Electricity Minister Akbar Khan and Mohammad Yasin MLA for the lawyers chamber.

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