Lawyers to protest against Wana operation on March 26

24 Mar, 2004

The lawyers fraternity throughout the country would hold a protest demonstration against the military operation in the tribal region of South Waziristan on March 26.
Muhammad Ikram, Vice-President of the Supreme Court Bar Association and Chairman All Pakistan Lawyers Action Commit-tee on Sunday told PPI that the lawyers fraternity would launch a country wide protest against the ongoing military operation in the tribal area.
Describing the military operation in Wana and other tribal areas as a conspiracy being hatched against the country at the behest of Washington. He termed the military operation in the tribal area as unacceptable and demanded an immediate halt of the operation.
He said the regime was killing innocent people in the tribal areas to appease Washington.
He said Pervez Musharraf's "No Choice Doctrine" has put the country in the jeopardy. He said time and again Musharraf's unilateral decisions of total capitulation have proved that he is incapable of withstanding pressure, he added.
He termed satisfactory, the holding of a debate in the National Assembly on Wana operation. He said the powers solely vested in a single individual are always dangerous because only credible institutions provided a cushion to withstand pressure.
Ikram Chaudhry said the killing of innocent tribesman in the tribal area by labelling them terrorists without any solid evidence was not justified in any manner.
He ruled out the presence of al Qaeda militants in the tribal area and said the resistance to the operation launched by the paramilitary and regular troops of the Pakistan army was a drama to appease United States and prolong the rule of General Musharraf.
He demanded the superior judiciary to take suo-moto action against the unjustified operation in the tribal area and to end the unconstitutional steps taken by the military rulers.

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