China wants increased military ties with Pakistan

24 Mar, 2004

Defence Minister of China, General Cao Gangchuan on Tuesday said China wants to further enhance and strengthen its relations with Pakistan in all areas concerning the three services.
China attached importance to its friendly relations with Pakistan and this relation had been unbeatable for decades, he said this during a meeting with Minister for Defence Rao Sikandar Iqbal, in Rawalpindi.
The Chinese defence minister said both China and Pakistan enjoyed excellent relations that remained unchanged despite the changes taking place in international politics.
General Cao Gangchuan said China would provide 100 million yuan interest free loan for the Armed Forces of Pakistan so as to further consolidate and develop co-operation between the two countries.
During the meeting, Defence Minister, Rao Sikandar Iqbal told the visiting delegation that the people of Pakistan were really indebted to the invaluable assistance, extended by China to Pakistan, in the field of defence and defence production.
Sikandar Iqbal said China had contributed a lot to the modernisation of Pakistan Armed Forces and the friendship between the two countries had been unprecedented and relations in the field of defence were very strong and deep-rooted.
The Defence Minister also informed the visiting delegation that Pakistan was making concerted efforts to stamp out the menace of terrorism.
The Defence Minister of China informed that they had made a plan to invite Pakistan Military Personnel to undergo training in China.
Similarly, Pakistan will also provide training to the Chinese Military Personnel.
General Cao Gangchuan also invited Rao Sikandar Iqbal to pay a visit to China.
Secretary Defence, Hamid Nawaz Khan, who was also present on the occasion, said China was a trustworthy friend of Pakistan and no country was more valuable for Pakistan than China.
Earlier, the Chinese Defence delegation was received by Defence Minister Rao Sikandar Iqbal on its arrival to the Defence Ministry and a smartly turned out contingent of the three Armed Forces presented Guard of Honour.
General Cao Gangchuan also reviewed the Guard and took salute.

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