Quality education stressed to compete in new era

19 Mar, 2004

The Azad Jammu Kashmir President, Sardar Mohammad Anwar Khan, has stressed the need for quality education for the young generations to secure the future of country in the coming era of competition.
Education played a vital role in the development of a society and unless 100 per cent literacy rate was achieved, the dreams of an enlightened society would remained a delusion, the AJK President said while speaking at the inauguration ceremony of Sudhan Education Conference.
He said those countries, which had achieved 100 percent literacy, were ruling the world.
America was the super power and the rest of the countries were toeing its dictates only because of its tremendous achievements in the scientific field, he added.
Khan said that only education could bring a revolution in the backward societies, emphasising that the Western countries had a control over the worldly affairs owing to their monopoly in technological achievements.
Extolling the services of the Sudhan organisation, he said it rendered great services for imparting quality education to the downtrodden strata of the society.
He called upon the organisation officials to hold seminars to create awareness about the importance of education in every nook and corner of the country.
The AJK President urged the government to provide maximum possible provisions to the AJK government so that the region could be charioted on the path of progress and development.

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