Clinton enters US campaign with fundraising appeal for Kerry

17 Mar, 2004

Former president Bill Clinton on Tuesday made a high profile entry into the US election campaign to raise funds for Democratic contender Senator John Kerry.
Clinton has launched a 10 day drive aiming to raise 10 million dollars to help Kerry against Republican president George W. Bush, who has a campaign war chest of more than 100 million dollars for the November 2 election. Kerry is believed to be far behind.
It is the strongest support that Clinton has shown yet for the Massachussets senator.
The ex-president made no public declaration of support for any of the candidates during the Democratic nomination battle. Several of his former staff helped retired general Wesley Clark, who comes from Clinton's home state of Arkansas, however.
"Lets make today the day that the entire Democratic Party spoke with one voice and launched the most successful 10-day fundraising drive in our partys history," Clinton said in a statement with the appeal.
"Heres my challenge to you: Send a donation right now to help me launch a '10 million dollars in 10 days' fundraising drive for John Kerrys campaign. Lets send donations flooding in to Kerry headquarters."
He went on: "Its our chance to demonstrate that, in 2004, were not going to yield an inch to the Republican attack machine when it comes to defining what this campaign is all about.
"Its our chance to give John Kerry the kind of immediate, dramatic support he needs to stand toe-to-toe with the President and force him to debate the real issues in this campaign."

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