ECO-CCI to meet in Kabul on April 21

16 Mar, 2004

The seventh general assembly of the Economic Co-operation Organisation's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECO-CCI) will be held in Kabul on April 21.
The ECO Secretariat informed the Islamic Republic of Iran and member states' embassies in Tehran that the transitional Islamic state of Afghanistan conveyed its readiness to hold the meeting.
The meeting would take up decisions on important issues such as, permanent location of ECO-CCI, as well as to develop new mechanism and modalities, aimed at better and effective interaction between the member chambers of the ECO region.
The Secretariat further informed the member states that the cost of a round trip air ticket for the shortest possible route (economy class) for one participant, from seven member states, would be reimbursed by the ECO Secretariat upon presentation of the vouchers, which should not exceed 500 dollars.
It also requested the member states to confirm their participation and convey the composition of their delegation along with flight schedule to the ECO Secretariat.
Members included in the ECO are Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

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