Crackdown on illegal water connections pledged

11 Mar, 2004

Rasheed Ahmad Chaudhry, Water and Sanitation Agency (Wasa) Chief, has pledged crackdown on illegal connection holders and those who have installed electric pumps on water supply lines.
In a press statement, the Wasa managing director said that a huge amount was being spent on the supply of water to over 60 percent of the city's population.
He said the water provided by the agency was costly, as it was being pumped out of the bank of the Chenab.
Similarly, scores of tube-wells had been installed along the Rakh Branch canal for this purpose.
The Wasa chief advised the people not to use potable water for cleaning and washing. He claimed that the major cause of contamination of water was installation of electric pumps on water supply lines.
An operation would be launched against the defaulters and illegal connection holders, he added.

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