Ayub Thaukar passes away

11 Mar, 2004

World Kashmir Freedom Movement President Dr Ayub Thaukar, 55, died here on Wednesday.
He was suffering from pulmonary fibrosis. He is survived by a widow, a son and two daughters.
Dr Thaukar's contribution to the occupied Kashmir cause would long be remembered, as he remained engaged in his efforts until his last days for securing the right to self-determination for the people of occupied Kashmir.
His funeral will be held on Friday at the London Central Mosque, Regent Park at 1300 hours. Dr Thaukar will be buried at the Garden of Peace, in Ilford, East London, where he had been living since long.
Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, executive director, Kashmiri American Council, while condoling the death of Thaukar said his services for the occupied Kashmir cause would long be remembered.
Fai said Thaukar's formula for occupied Kashmir was simple but powerful, which was that the aspirations of the Kashmiri people must be ascertained under the umbrella of United Nations Security Council resolutions.
He delivered lectures on occupied Kashmir at Oxford and Cambridge and the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. He held a Ph.D. degree in nuclear physics from the University of Kashmir.
He taught both there and at the King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

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