Executive district officer told to appear in court

11 Mar, 2004

Lahore High Court (LHC) Rawalpindi bench has directed the Executive District Officer (EDO) of Chakwal to appear in the court to submit reply of the petition filed against him in the august court.
The single bench of the august court comprising of Justice Sardar Muhammad Aslam after hearing the argument of the petitioner Naseer Ahmed ordered the EDO to appear in the court on Thursday, March 11.
Naseer Ahmed in his petition has pleaded that he had appeared in the examination for the post of Patwari and had gotten first position and was on merit to be appointed as Patwari. But the EDO had appointed another person namely Imtiaz as Patwari.
He pleaded before the court that the appointment of the Imtiaz should be declared as null and void and the EDO should be directed to appoint him as Patwari as per merit.

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