Powell condoles over Quetta massacre

05 Mar, 2004

American Secretary of State Colin Powell has condoled with the President, Prime Minister and the families of the victims of a terrorist attack in Quetta on Ashura.
In a telephonic call to Foreign Minister, Khurshid M. Kasuri he conveyed the condolence of the American government over the Tuesday's terrorist attack in Quetta.
Kasuri condemned the attack and thanked the Secretary of State and American Government for condolence and solidarity with the government and people of Pakistan on this tragedy.
He told Powell that Pakistan remained committed in its fight against terrorism, since it was in Pakistan's national interest. He said the primary objective of the government was economic development and to fight poverty. It could only be done in conditions of stability and security.
Foreign minister said government had ordered a judicial inquiry into the tragic incident and the perpetrators of the attack would be brought to justice as soon as possible.

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