Experts from nine states to attend oil and gas moot

05 Mar, 2004

Experts from nine different countries would share their experiences with the participants of the second Pakistan Oil, Gas and Energy Exhibition (POGEE), scheduled from March 17 to 20, this year to be held at the Expo Centre.
The countries from where experts will participate are Morocco, Cyprus, United Arab Emirates, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Nigeria, Bahrain and Malaysia. These experts have confirmed their participation in the exhibition-cum-conference, where they would deliver keynote addresses.
Last year's exhibition and conference had proved to be an ideal one-stop sourcing event for interaction that helped in bridging the gap between buyers and sellers of industrial technology, machinery and allied services in the oil and gas sector.
The event was supported by the success along with an overwhelming response from the industrial sector.
The POGEE-2004 would be a gateway to regional co-operation, while co-locating the power generation sector with oil and gas exploration and production industry - integrating the two areas at a comprehensive technology showcase.
The programme would highlight the vast potential in the oil and gas sector of the region while discussing the future policies and perspective for its promotion with focus on regional developments.
For the first time, it will include a technical session that will discuss the effective ways for its improvement.
The POGEE conference has been designed to compliment the recognition that Pakistan has acquired as a rapidly developing transit platform - leading to large untapped markets in Asia.
In addition, the event that will also attract the trade professionals from the leading oil and gas marketing companies and senior government officials from the region. It would also offer an excellent platform for exchange of views and dissemination of information to the highly-targeted audience from the world's power industry.

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