Grenade attack in occupied Kashmir injures 16

02 Mar, 2004

Sixteen people were wounded in occupied Kashmir on Monday when alleged Mujahideen hurled a grenade at a security patrol and missed their target, police said.
The grenade exploded near the main women's hospital in the occupied Srinagar, hitting bystanders and causing panic.
Sixteen civilians were wounded, including three women, police said. "It was an attack on a security patrol which went wide of its target," a police official told AFP.
Earlier Monday, occupation troops shot dead a senior leader of Kashmir's main party, officials said.
India's Border Security force killed Abdul Rashid, a battalion commander of the Hizbul Mujahedin in a clash that erupted after a raid on a hideout in the central Budgam district, they said.
Hizbul is the major group among the dozen outfits fighting New Delhi's rule in the scenic Himalayan region.
Rashid's death came after Abdul Majid, Hizbul's most senior active commander in occupied southern Kashmir, was killed in a clash with occupation forces last week. Earlier, occupation forces killed Hizbul's chief commander in occupied Kashmir.
In other violence, police said alleged Mujahid shot dead a man and his son in a village in southern Pulwama district late on Sunday. The motive was not immediately known.

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