Government to discourage misuse of diplomatic import facility

28 Feb, 2004

Finance Minister Shaukat Aziz here on Friday said that the government has decided to take measures for discouraging misuse of diplomatic import facility, which is generally availed of for smuggling of luxurious vehicles and other valuable goods.
He said that smuggling of luxurious vehicles in violation of customs rules through diplomatic channels is a common practice.
The vehicles are brought into Pakistan for selling in the local market on exorbitant prices.
During the last one-year, the customs authorities have confiscated 23 high value vehicles, including eight Mercedes and three land cruisers, which were brought using the diplomatic facility.
The government has intensified its efforts to control the misuse of diplomatic facility and conducted raids at various spots to seize such vehicles, raw materials, bikes, etc.
Shaukat said that the best way for prevention of smuggling was to reduce customs tariff, while the Central Board of Revenue (CBR) was making all-out efforts to control the menace of smuggling.
When asked whether liquor was also included in the items, which were brought under the diplomatic cover, he said, "Yes, smuggling of liquor has taken place under diplomatic cover."
To another question regarding the names of the foreign missions involved in disguised smuggling, he replied in negative.

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