Pakistan's co-operation to be noted in US Federal Register

28 Feb, 2004

US President George W. Bush on Thursday issued memorandum for Secretary of State, determining that the Pakistan government was co-operating with the US in the war on terrorism.
The US President directed the Secretary of State to report this determination to the Congress and to arrange for its publication in the Federal Register.
The Presidential determination said: "Consistent with the authority vested in me by the constitution and laws of the US, including the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defence and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, 2004 (Public Law 108-106)(the "Act"), I hereby determine for the purposes of that Act that the government of Pakistan is co-operating with the US in the global war on terrorism.
"You are authorised and directed to report this determination to the Congress and to arrange for its publication in the Federal Register." signed George W. Bush.
According to informed sources, the formal issuance of the presidential determination precedes release of allocated funds and Pakistan would soon receive a formal sanction of 200 million dollars, which is most likely to be utilised for payment for debt write-off against 500 million dollars.

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