SAB flays Australian wheat deal

28 Feb, 2004

President, Sindh Abadgar Board, Abdul Majeed Nizamani, has strongly criticised 0.15 million tons wheat deal with Australia, feared to cost Rs 1.5 billion loss to the country.
He said that Indian tender offering a rate of 185 dollars per ton was rejected on the basis that the wheat offered by India was substandard and the Australian tender of 224 dollars per ton, 39 dollars higher than Indian rate was accepted for reason best known to those responsible for the deal.
He said two ships carrying Australian wheat arrived at Port Qasim.
It was found that the wheat was not only substandard but having traces of Kernel Bunt, injurious to human health.
He said there are apprehensions that the remaining two ships carrying the rest of the cargo might have similar wheat for which efforts are being made to clear it for consumption in Pakistan.
He demanded that an inquiry should be initiated against those responsible for such imprudent deal.

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