Kashmir solution key to peace in South Asia: Kasuri

23 Feb, 2004

Foreign Minister Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri has said permanent solution of Kashmir issue is must to ensure peace and development in South Asia.
Speaking in a PTY program 'News Night' late Saturday, he said the investment, prosperity and progress will only flourish in the region when there is a durable peace.
He said poverty can only be eliminated from the South Asia if there is sustainable peace and harmony in the region.
The minister said, Kashmir is a serious issue which demands real efforts and commitments from both sides rather than slogans and statements.
Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri made it clear that Kashmir issue could not be resolved without the wishes and aspirations of Kashmiris.
To a question, he said, demonstration of political will could help in resolving Kashmir issue.
Fortunately, Pakistani leadership has the political will and proving it with their action that they were serious to resolve the Kashmir issue, he added.
He said Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee has also shown the political will which made possible the meeting on the sidelines of the recently held Saarc summit in Islamabad.
Responding to a question, about flexibility on the Kashmir issue, he made it clear that it should be from both the sides.
When asked about the upcoming dialogue process between him and his Indian counter part, he said both the countries should learn lessons from their past.

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