Russian team arriving to attend JWG meeting on February 23

23 Feb, 2004

A 13-member Russian delegation led by Anatoly E Safonov, Deputy Foreign Minister, will be arriving in Islamabad on Monday (Today) to participate in the 2nd session of the Pak-Russia Joint Working Group (JWG) on Counter-Terrorism.
During the meeting to be held in the Foreign Office, the Pakistan side will be led by Tauheed Ahmad, Additional Secretary (Europe).
Latest international and regional developments in the context of terrorism, including efforts made by the two countries with regard to counter-terrorism, regional peace and security, money laundering and drugs trafficking will be discussed during the talks.
During his stay in Islamabad, Deputy Foreign Minister Safonov will call on the Foreign Secretary, Interior Secretary and Rector of the Islamic University. He will also visit the National Defence College and National Police Academy.
The forthcoming visit of Anatoly Safonov to Pakistan will provide an opportunity, for high level interaction between the two countries. The visit reflects both sides desire to improve bilateral relations in multifarious fields.
Joint Working Group (JWG) on Counter-Terrorism between Pakistan and Russia was established after a meeting held between President Musharraf and President of Russia in June 2002.
The first meeting of the Group was held in Moscow on 2nd December 2002 when both sides had agreed to maintain contacts in political, economic, law enforcement, legal and judicial fields, as that would lay the foundation for an expanded cooperation between the two countries.

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