Illegal trade brings WMD close to terrorists: Singapore

23 Feb, 2004

Terrorists can obtain nuclear and biological devices due to a thriving illicit trade in the technology to make weapons of mass destruction, Singapore Defence Minister Teo Chee Hean warned on Sunday.
Teo said in a keynote speech to a security conference here the threat of terrorism is "amplified" by the illegal trade of technology and equipment to make nuclear as well as biological and chemical weapons.
"The nightmare scenario of terrorists and rogue regimes collaborating in the use of weapons of mass destruction is now well within the realm of possibility," he said in his speech to the Asia Pacific Security Conference.
He said that revelations by disgraced Pakistani nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan showed the trade was flourishing.
"The global proliferation network is intricate and sophisticated. If terrorists were to settle for a nuclear device or chemical and biological agents, the damage and panic will be massive," Teo warned.
He said it was difficult to track the clandestine trade because many items used to make weapons of mass destruction can be smuggled under the guise of legitimate use.
Teo called on governments to address the threat of terrorism not only through security means but also on the ideological level.
The conference, which gathers Asia Pacific defence ministers on Monday, is part of a series of meetings being held to coincide with the Asian Aerospace 2004 show and exhibition, featuring the latest technology in air warfare and commercial aviation.

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