US diplomats to return to Saudi Arabia

23 Feb, 2004

The United States has authorised non-essential diplomats and families to return to Saudi Arabia, two months after it allowed them to leave because of security fears, the US embassy in Riyadh said on Saturday.
"This move reflects the confidence that we have in the Saudi government's ability to protect people in residence in the kingdom," an embassy spokesman said
Suicide bombings in Riyadh killed more than 50 people last year, including nine Americans. Citing continued security concerns, Washington offered some diplomats and their dependents the option of leaving on December 17.
The spokesman was unable to say how many staff would be returning to Saudi Arabia. US diplomatic missions have remained open in the kingdom since November, when they closed for a week on the eve of a November suicide bombing in Riyadh.
The US move to reverse its December decision came despite a Saudi announcement one week ago that security forces were hunting a bomb-laden car in Riyadh which they said had been primed for a "criminal act".
Three days later Washington's close ally Britain warned that "terrorists" could be in the final stages of planning an attack.
Last year's attacks have been blamed on supporters of Saudi-born Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network. Saudi authorities are still hunting at least 23 top suspects, two months after publishing their names and pictures and asking for public help.

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