Rebels take airport in Cap-Haitien

23 Feb, 2004

Armed rebels who control part of Haiti's north moved Sunday into the airport in Cap-Haitien, the country's second largest city, and seized an aircraft, witnesses said.
There was no immediate word on any casualties.
Witnesses said the men arrived in vehicles from rebel-held Trou-de-nord and took control of an aircraft belonging to Air Tropical on the tarmac. Cap-Haitien's population is about one million.
At least 57 people have been killed since rebels demanding that President Jean Bertrand Aristide resign took the north-western town of Gonaives February 5. Dozens of Aristide's political foes and journalists have also been wounded, some seriously, as Lavalas family gangs have boosted their activities since January.
Aristide, who repeatedly has rejected calls for his resignation, on Saturday embraced an internationally backed power-sharing plan, although it calls for the creation of a new, independent government and post of prime minister to whom he would have to cede major powers.

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