Hospital a haven for the underprivileged

22 Feb, 2004

A special visit was organised to bring to light the healthcare services offered by the Jinnah Medical and Dental College Hospital, established with a mission to provide healthcare facilities to the grossly neglected low income population of Korangi and other adjoining areas.
The hospital, which mostly caters to workers of various industries in Korangi as well as the general population, has been operational since April 2003.
Supported by the S. M. Sohail Trust, the hospital has a firm focus on community health activities and is committed towards giving free services and facilities with no charges.
These include routine tests, beds, consultation, counselling and food, etc. In addition, specialist OPD is run at the hospital at a minimum cost of Rs 15 and patients are given two days dispensary medicines free of cost.
Jinnah Medical and Dental College Hospital's management comprises a pool of dedicated doctors, nurses and administrative staff, all united in their mission to make a difference in the lives of the underprivileged.
A Patient Welfare Trust is also being established by the management so that the cost of medicines, diagnostic tests and operation theatre expenses can be covered and the under serviced segment of society can be given access to high quality and affordable treatment as well.
Adnan Sohail, Executive Director, while addressing the visitors, said, "Jinnah Medical and Dental Hospital is a non-profit organisation with a mission to provide quality health facilities to those who cannot afford them and we are determined to achieve this goal."
At present special programmes are being introduced by the hospital, which include primary health care, family planning and health awareness. A large number of nursing and medical students are also working with the community on a daily basis to support the hospital's cause and inculcate the élan of nation-building by helping the poor and needy.
The management of the hospital urges philanthropists and donors to step forward and help them achieve this goal for a brighter and more promising tomorrow.

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