China delays GMO soya import applications

21 Feb, 2004

China, the world's top soya buyer, has delayed accepting applications for genetically modified organisms (GMO) soyabean shipments arriving after April 20, a Ministry of Agriculture official said on Friday.
The interim measure for imports of GMO products expires on April 20 and the ministry had said it would begin to accept applications on Friday from suppliers, who need to reapply for new permits.
"We have not yet started to accept applications, and we would delay doing that," said an official at the ministry's GMO office. He gave no reason for the delay, but he denied it was due to concerns over the outbreak of bird flu, which has hit the crushing industry.
China would probably begin to accept applications at the end of the month, he said but declined to elaborate. Suppliers have to certify that imported transgenic products are safe for consumption.
China imported a record 20.7 million tonnes of soyabeans in 2003, a rise of 83.3 percent from 2002.

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