Release of 28 Pakistanis from Jordan secured

20 Feb, 2004

The Ansar Burney Welfare Trust International has managed to secure release of another batch of 30 innocent Pakistanis who were detained in a private jail in Jordan on slave labour and later brought 28 of them back home.
Thirty Pakistanis after getting a job and visas went to Jordan some seven months ago, to work in a private textile company. After their arrival in Jordan the agent took them for their jobs but put them on slave labour in a private jail.
"The 28 persons have back home and two of them will return soon", Said Syed Fahad Burney, Vice Chairman of the Ansar Burney Welfare Trust International, while talking to the newsmen here on Thursday.
The Ansar Burney Welfare Trust International was able to get these 30 Pakistanis released from a private jail, in an industrial area in Jordan, where they were living in miserable circumstances, since last 7 months.

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