Government urged to review nuclear policy

16 Feb, 2004

People from different walks of life including politicians and intellectual have urged the government to review its polices regarding nuclear technology otherwise the national interest could be jeopardised.
A survey carried out by NNI revealed it on Sunday. Politicians and intellectuals commented their views in the survey.
Central leader of Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) and senator, Professor Abdul Ghafoor Ahmed said that US Secretary State Colin Powel would be visiting Pakistan to conduct debriefing of President Musharraf and other Generals.
"Soon after deposing the then Prime Minster Nawaz Sharif in 1999, and capturing the government General Musharraf made seven commitments to the nation, but he was failed to keep his words", Professor Ghafoor said.
Quoting the decision regarding Dr AQ Khan, he said that parliament has started functioning, but the President was interrupting in government affairs constantly and consequently, the primmer and parliaments of the country seemed paralysed.
"I think the alleged confession of Dr AQ Khan proves the crime of entire command authority." Professor Ghafoor cited.
He termed the "strained confesses" of Pakistani Nuclear scientist, a ridicules step of President Musharraf which, he said, have jeopardised and brought many difficulties for the nation.
The anti Pakistan forces wanted to roll back and seize country's nuclear program and they were negotiating towards their goal steps by steps, he said.
"I don't say that USA will treat Pakistan like Iraq but it (USA) wants to weed out Pakistan's nuclear assets and President Musharraf has provided the safe passage to our enemies to do their job without facing any hurdles", Professor Ghafoor added.
He demanded General Musharraf to allow parliament to function freely which was, according to him, better for both the nation and military.
Without massive support forces could not success in the ground and in this connection the incident of the separation of West Pakistan in 1971 should be remember, he recalled.
The distinguished analyst and ex-chairman of department of International Relation of Karachi University, Professor Dr Shamim Akhtar said that government could not escape from the operation against the nuclear scientists and apparently it seemed that nuclear technology was transferred to other countries from Pakistan.
Although, the debriefing process against the nuclear scientist has reduced the international pressure and there was a strong possibility that if Pakistan avoids taking action against nuclear scientist, IAEA could interfere in Pakistan's nuclear program, he maintained.
"The steps taken from government side against the Pakistani nuclear scientists and Dr Qadir's allegedly confession would not halt the forthcoming pressure on country's nuclear program and the expected visit of US Secretary State Colin Powell in Pakistan is a part of the chain of this crisis", he feared.
He further said that it would be too optimistic if government thinks that the affairs have been settled amicably. Question mark on Pakistan's nuclear program would be constantly persist in future also, Professor Shamim said.
Professor Dr Tanveer Khalid, Chairperson Department of Political Sciences of KU has said that Pakistan has been a responsible country and proved it before the international community in the current crisis.
She said that it has been a sensitive issue but government should not think that the storm has passed through.
Government will have to prove on international community that the nuclear program was providing Pakistan a defence shelled and no compromise could take place on this issue, she continued.
Noted analyst, Shahnwaz Farooqi, viewed that America has failed to seize mass destructive weapons from the Iraq and in this context it (USA) could take advantage of current situation of Pakistan because there is great pressure on Bush administration in this regard.
President Musharraf has lost his credibility in the eyes of the nation and he could not do any think individually therefore, to face the crisis, there is an urgency to give a wake call to the nation, he said and suggested President Musharraf that it would be in the larger interest of the nation as well President if he realises that at last he has to resist USA and its allies one day.
He hoped that if the government and people of Pakistan prepare themselves for the resistance then USA would not dare to attack on Pakistan because the entire power of USA is engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq and it (USA) is not in a position to wage any adventurism against Pakistan.
Illustrious poet, Ajmal Siraj while talking to NNI said that if the Muslim world and government of Pakistan had not compromised on its principal stand after 9/11, the circumstances could be different entirely.
Businessmen' leader Atique Mir has viewed that Pakistan is the first Muslim state which have nuclear capability and therefore it is intolerable for our enemies.
He expressed his grief and said that no independence could be witness on government level in Pakistan, which prove that government is in a great pressure.

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