APHC faction threatens to pull out of talks

16 Feb, 2004

Considering recent spate in rights violations across the state, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq indicated that All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) would pull out of the talks process that began past month after Indian Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani lend audience to Abass Ansari led Hurriyat Conference on January 22.
In an interview with Greater Kashmir, Umar said, "Repression does not breed rapprochement," adding dialogue could not go along with oppressive acts.
Terming the recent carnage at Bandipora, northern township of Kashmir, as "the worst kind of war crime perpetrated by Indian forces," he held the claims of Indian army being disciplined force as ridiculous and unfounded. "I'm afraid what happened in Bandipora and Doda past week will eclipse the prospects of the second round of talks between Hurriyat Conference and the Indian leadership".
In the first round, he added, Advani talked of bettering security situation and releasing prisoners but a few gangsters were set free and as for the security, recent incidents speak louder than statements.
"Keeping this in view our talking to Delhi holds no ground to stand upon as people had supported our decision of talking to New Delhi with the hope that a perceptible change may occur on ground. Till now nothing of the sort happened.
If the status quo remains we'll have no reason to continue talking to Advani and then we are not bound by any compulsions.
We can snap talks as and when it deems inevitable," Mirwaiz averred adding, "Indian occupation in Jammu and Kashmir closely resembles with that of Israel in Palestine and our stand over the talks should not be misconstrued as a compromise.
We are guided by the basic facts of the movement that are premised upon freedom and we are fighting and laying down our lives for that."
On his being accused of siding with "murderers of Abdul Gani Lone" after he led the funeral prayers of Rafiq Lidri, operations chief of Al-Umar Mujahideen, who was allegedly killed in custody last week, Umar said, "This is unfortunate that PC went public over the issue. If they had reservations we could have had an internal discussion."
People's Conference, represented in Hurriyat by Bilal Gani Lone, has reportedly sought explanation from Abass Hurriyat Chairman, about Umar's participation in Rafiq's last rites while knowing "the deceased was involved in Lone's murder."
Bilal Lone, Umar adds, in a meeting of Hurriyat executive had himself identified a person whom he suspected behind Lone's murder. "I won't disclose who he is, but I tell you with authority it was not Rafiq," he averred adding he had no regrets for leading the last prayers of the deceased commander as he belonged to a family deeply connected with Awami Action Committee, the organisation headed by Mirwaiz.
Umar made no bones while saying that the Indian authorities had been intriguing in Kashmir politics through proxies. "Elections are not even remotely connected with our movement.

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