Valentine's Day celebrated with fervour

15 Feb, 2004

Valentine's Day was celebrated here on Saturday like other parts of the country as well as rest of the world with fervour.
Gifts were exchanged while dinner and gatherings were held at different places including restaurants, fast food chains, gardens and other places. This day is named after Saint Valentine, who was a Christian priest.
Emperor Claudius II who ruled Rome felt that young men were not joining his army because they could not bear to stay away from their families, so he outlawed marriages.
Saint Valentine found this step wrong and helped people marrying secretly. At this the emperor imprisoned Valentine and pushed behind the bar.
Lahorites spent their day attending various functions. Flower prices shoot up like previous year.
Kinnaird College organised a musical concert that was attended by a good number of young girls. Iqra University also organised a Valentine's Day function.

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