NED University CCEE holding human resource use courses

14 Feb, 2004

Optimum utilisation of human and other resources is possible only through maximum improvement in process and implementation efforts, said Dr Abid Murtaza Khan, Director, Centre for Continuing Engineering Education (CCEE) of NED University of Engineering and Technology in Karachi on Friday.
He said that use of advance production management tools are now considered as key to achieve competent excellence and global market. Pakistan's consumer products and service industry need to be on war-footing in order to meet the challenges to be faced under the umbrella of WTO.
In a statement, he said that CCEE at NED University has a track record of over six years of contributing towards the capacity-building process through organising short courses, workshops and seminars primarily for the industry and the relevant organisations.
"Keeping in view the vital requirements of consumers, it has arranged two short courses on state-of-the-art product management tools ie 'Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing' to be conducted from February 23 to 26.
Dr Abid said that the courses would be conducted by a visiting expert in the field, Mazhar M Zuberi, an engineer with 30 years experience in Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Leadership Quality Improvement Team Work and Business Development Process'.
Having reputation of training over 100 companies throughout US, Canada, Hong Kong, Korea and Middle East, Mazhar, a certified 'Black Belt', lean engineer, Kaizan practitioner and ISO 9000 Auditor, has exclusive implementation experience with all sizes of companies.
The courses are intended for professionals in operation, industrial and process engineering, quality manufacturing. production control, production management, improvement co-ordination and those in management position who are responsible for high impact projects that would incorporate six sigma methodology.
The major industries to benefit from the course would be textiles, pharmaceuticals, food manufacturing and service.
Production management is the key to success in this competitive era. "It is hoped that these courses would prove as another valued contribution of CCEE of NED University towards nation-building process," he said.

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