Spring plantation drive: President and Prime Minister call for active participation by masses

12 Feb, 2004

President Pervez Musharraf has called upon every citizen of Pakistan, especially farmers and students to actively participate in the Spring Tree Planting Campaign 2004 and play their role in making it a success.
"I appeal to every citizen of Pakistan, especially farmers and students to play their role in making it a success," he said in a message on the eve of Spring Plantation Campaign 2004 here on Wednesday.
He urged the elected representatives at all tiers, particularly the District Governments, to make individual and collective efforts and encourage maximum participation in the campaign.
Following is the text of message of President General Pervez Musharraf on the occasion of Spring Tree Planting Campaign 2004.
"The nation today is participating in the Spring Tree Planting Campaign to enhance tree cover and stabilise the ecology of the country.
Pakistan has a forest resource, which is less than 5% of its total land area. But even these are significantly important for sustained supply of water in river and dams, agricultural production, power generation for domestic and industrial consumption and to meet household fuel wood and industrial timber needs.
On account of the escalating population, changes in land use and deforestation of the natural forests are proceeding at an alarming scale, making it difficult to sustainably manage them.
Despite efforts made by the Forest Departments in the past to plant maximum number of trees both in the public and private sectors through the participation of farmers, we have not been able to achieve appreciable results in order to reverse the process of deforestation, there is a need to expand the forestry resource base through the involvement and participation of the private sector.
Our future depends on the efficient management of our renewable natural resources such as forests, watersheds and rangelands.
Agriculture, the backbone of our economy to a great extent depends upon the health of upland watersheds that regulate supply of water in dams, rivers and canals.
On the occasion of Spring Tree Plantation Campaign 2004, I appeal to every citizen of Pakistan, especially farmers and students to play their role in making it a success. I urge the elected representatives at all tiers, particularly the District Governments, to make individual and collective efforts and encourage maximum participation in the campaign.
May Allah be with us in our endeavours. Ameen."
Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali in his message on the occasion of Spring Tree Planting Campaign 2004, said that the Spring Tree Plantation Campaign being launched today is an important national event, which provides an opportunity to every citizen of Pakistan to help the country in afforestation.
The role of trees and forests in mitigating the adverse affects of climate change, increasing temperature, rising sea-level, pollution, prolonged dry spells and desertification are well known at the global level and in Pakistan, he added.
The Prime Minister said that the scarcity of forests requires concerted efforts to manage forests and related ecosystems on sustainable basis.
Many natural forests and plantations at present are devoid of the required tree density, he added.
The Prime Minister said that efforts are needed to transform these degraded areas to dense forests.
He said "the Forests in the northern region serve as watersheds to our reservoirs and sustained supply of water in the rivers is dependent on the health of these forests, watersheds and rangelands".
Pakistan, he said with forest resources of 4.2 million hectares is faced with the problems of resource scarcity and deteriorating natural environment.
"The meagre forest cover 4.8% of the total land area is subjected to heavy demands of a rapidly increasing population of 140 million people", he added.
Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali said that the Government, cognisant of the multidimensional role which trees and forests provide towards economic and environmental stability in the country, has formulated a comprehensive national afforestation programme that will provide a package of incentives to farmers to promote afforestation in the country.
"It is, therefore, my earnest appeal to every citizen, especially the farming communities, to actively participate in the Spring Planting Campaign 2004, and take interest to protect the saplings for better environment and economic prosperity of Pakistan", he said.

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