US values Musharraf's assurances

12 Feb, 2004

The United States certainly values the assurances that President Pervez Musharraf has provided in respect of non-proliferation, said the White House Spokesman.
"And I think that if you look at some of the actions that have been taken in Pakistan, it demonstrates that he is committed to the assurances he provided us," Scott MeClellan said at the daily press briefing.
He said proliferation was a very serious matter and it was a very high priority for the US administration.
"In a post-September 11 world, it's important that we do everything we can to stop proliferation of weapons of mass destruction," he added.
"That's why the US President launched the proliferation security initiative to work with other nations to interdict shipments of weapons of mass destruction, and to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destructions," he said.

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