Qadeer pardoned

09 Feb, 2004

Thank God Pakistan has risen to the occasion and every one deserves the praise for it. Dr Qadeer, for asking nation's forgiveness for what he said could have endangered the national security.
This has enhanced his towering image further in the eyes of the grateful nation.
The National Command Authority, for recommending his mercy petition to the federal cabinet for acceptance.
And the cabinet, for accepting the petition in view of Dr Qadeer's unmatched services in making the defence of the country impregnable. Well done all.
But, will it be acceptable also to the detractors of Pakistan nuclear programme? CNN and BBC commentators are already at work with their oblique hints that the 'well scripted' confession and apology was 'obviously' written by the government for the Doctor to telecast to the nation.
Well, whatever it may be Pakistan has taken a decision and must stand by it now.
It is our internal matter and no one has any right to interfere in it. Period.

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