Russia concerned over export of nuclear secrets

09 Feb, 2004

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov expressed serious concern on Sunday over illicit export of nuclear secrets by Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan.
"We, Russia, are strongly preoccupied with that," Ivanov told reporters on the sidelines of the 40th annual Munich security conference. "It is now quite obvious ... there is not an efficient control of proliferation of WMDs (weapons of mass destruction). That is something which worries everybody."
Ivanov had said on Saturday at the start of the conference that Russia backed efforts that would bring Pakistan into international accords on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
The minister said he discussed the affair during a bilateral meeting in Munich with Indian national security advisor Brajesh Mishra.
Ivanov said he felt the issue of non-proliferation had been "strongly politicised" by some unnamed countries.
"Some states use an accusatory finger at other states for proliferating," he said.

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