Two new cranes arrive at Karachi Port

08 Feb, 2004

The modern container terminal is going to be equipped with state-of-the-art, ship-to-shore Tail Tyre Gantry and Rubber Tyre Gantry cranes.
In this connection, four rubber tyre gantry cranes have recently arrived at Karachi International Container Terminal (KICT). While one ship-to-shore rail tyre gantry, is in addition to already operating three cranes at KICT. The fourth gantry crane has outreach of 55 metres.
Additional equipment are being brought under Phase-II expansion plan which was initiated by the KICT to exceed benchmark of handling 30,000 TEUs, last year.
The upgraded capacity of terminal shall be 400,000 to 450,000 TEUs.
This gantry crane shall have longest outreach among all the available cranes in local ports.
The computer system has also been upgraded which shall result in completely automated operation at the terminal. On East Wharf, the Pakistan International Container Terminal (PICT) has been operating with mobile cranes since July 2002, prior to the arrival of the gantry cranes, two quay cranes with 46 metres outreach, and four 46 metres outreach Rubber Tyre Gantries (RTG).
The capacity of PICT shall double to exceed 150,000 TEUs as soon as these cranes are put into operation. Generators have already arrived to supply uninterrupted power supply to these cranes.
The vessel carrying four RTGs and three STS Gantries arrived at Karachi.
The up-gradation of two terminals is a step forward in bringing port closer to its vision of emerging as a modern, competitive and user-friendly port serving a wider regional market base.

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