President cautions officials against traffic jams by his movement

08 Feb, 2004

President General Pervez Musharraf has taken strong notice of agonising traffic halts occurring in Rawalpindi and Islamabad in the name of VVIP movement, and directed the concerned officials to redress the issue immediately to ease travel between the two cities.
President Musharraf deeply regretted that the citizens have to face long traffic halts, and directed that traffic worries of the common man must be redressed.
In this regard, the President summoned the concerned officials including traffic managers and security personnel and directed them that the common man should face minimum possible inconvenience.
He directed the concerned staff to ensure that if and when he moves, traffic should not be blocked for more than 15 minutes.
The President observed that measures taken for VVIP movement since December 25, 2003, terrorist attacks had resulted in traffic snarls and long wait for commuters, making travel between the two cities difficult affair for the citizens.
He also observed that many of the traffic jams in the two cities occur when his movement is not taking place.
It may be mentioned here that conscious of inconvenience to commuters and public at large, the President has limited his movement in the wake of December 25 incident.

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