Pakistan and Japan hold dialogue on global and regional issues

25 Jan, 2004

Pakistan and Japan held the first round of security dialogue covering a broad range of global and regional issues here on Saturday.
The dialogue was initiated in pursuance of the decisions taken by the President Musharraf and the Prime Minister of Japan during the President's visit to Tokyo in March 2002.
The two sides shared their perspectives of regional and global, strategic and security environment and underlined the need to closely co-ordinate their policies for peace and stability in the world.
The Japanese side expressed appreciation for Pakistan's role against terrorism and the steps taken by it to promote peace and stability in South Asia.
They also took notice of the importance that Pakistan has attached to the development of its economy.
The Pakistan side stated its policy to develop close linkages with various economic and security bodies in East Asia and Pacific region.
Salman Bashir, Additional Foreign Secretary, Asia Pacific region and Mitoj Yabunaka, Director General, Asian and Oceania Affairs, Bureau of the Japanese Foreign Ministry led their respective delegations in the talks.

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