Pakistanis in US hail Musharraf's address

20 Jan, 2004

Pakistanis, in the United States, have hailed the President's remarks in the joint session of the Parliament, in which General Pervez Musharraf reiterated Pakistan's resolve to continue the fight against terrorism and extremism, strengthen parliamentary democratic order and look after vital interests of the country.
Commenting on the speech, M. Ashraf Abbasi, President of the Pakistani-American Congress (PAC) on Sunday said, the President has rightly referred to the "dangers posing our nation," and the dire need to promote cause of peace and orderly parliamentary conduct.
Abbasi referred to the President's "passionate words of concern over the spate of wild allegations being levelled against Pakistan with regard to terrorism, extremism or so-called nuclear proliferation" and said it was time to unite and give foremost importance to the concerns of safety, security and dignity of Pakistan rather than indulge in any divisive politics.
He referred to the noisy conduct of certain parliamentarians and said, it is time to strengthen hands of President General Pervez Musharraf, "who is symbol of federation" having received vote of confidence from the Parliament earlier.
He said that efforts to normalise relations with India by way of holding peaceful dialogue was a welcome sign, which could lead to a lasting peace and stability in South Asia, by resolving Kashmir dispute.
Dr Pervez Shah, President, Pakistani-American Public Affairs Committee (PAKPAC), talking to newsman stressed the need for a responsible, respectable and professional conduct on the part of the elected members, so that it adds to the fair repute of the high elected fora.
Dr Anwar Saud, general secretary of PAC said, Pakistani-Americans fully support government of Pakistan in its policy of curbing extremism and terrorism, and lent full support to strengthening ties with the United States.
"Rights of all people, on both sides of the divide, should be duly guarded," he said, urging the Pakistani-Americans to support development programs of health and education back home, so as to make their contribution towards betterment of the Pakistani society.
Meanwhile, leaders of the Pakistan Muslim League (PML), USA chapter, Malik Sikandar Aziz, Zakir Naseem and others have expressed their complete solidarity with the views expressed by President General Pervez Musharraf.
In a statement, they said the President has been convincing in putting forth case of Pakistan, and his vision could lead us out of the malaise we are confronted with.

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