Tolerance of dissent is bedrock of democracy: Prime Minister

20 Jan, 2004

Prime Minister Zafarullah Khan Jamali has said that tolerance of dissent forms the bedrock of democracy and is essential for strengthening the democratic institutions.
Talking to a delegation of Members of Parliament of PPP-Patriots who called on him at Prime Minister Secretariat on Monday, he said that "Muslim League believes in politics of tolerance and accommodation".
He said that the party has always viewed opposition as an essential part of democratic set-up, with the hope that it would act as shadow government.
He said that the sanctity of Parliament has, however, to be maintained at all costs. The parliamentarians should prove by their attitude and behaviour that they deserve the responsibilities vested upon them by the public, he added.
The delegation, led by Minister of State for Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth and Minority Affairs, Munir Ahmad, expressed full confidence in the leadership of the Prime Minister.
The parliamentarians assured him of their full co-operation to strengthen the democratic system in the country.
They also congratulated the Prime Minister on holding the 12th Saarc Summit successfully and on the address of President to Parliament which they added would prove as guideline for the government.
The MNAs discussed with the Prime Minister development schemes in their respective constituencies.
The Prime Minister said: "Development of rural and remote areas is our priority. We would, therefore, provide all basic civic amenities to the people, depending on the financial and budgetary position of the country."
The MNAs who met the Prime Minister included Munir Ahmad, Zaheer Abbas Khokhar, Dr Nisar Ahmad, Azhar Ahmad Khan Yousafzai, and Imranullah.

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