Traders must prepare to compete WTO challenges

20 Jan, 2004

Deputy Governor, State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), Rashid Akhtar Chughtai, on Monday said that trade activities would take new turn in the changing circumstances especially after the implementation of WTO rules in the South Asian region.
"The traders and industrialists of the region should prepare themselves to compete in the changing circumstances," he said this while addressing the members of Gujranwala Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) here.
President, GCCI, Shaukat Javed, Senior Vice President Sheikh Mohammad Ali, Vice President Asad Elahi, members GCCI and members of board of directors, SBP attended the meeting.
The first meeting of the recently set up board of directors of SBP will be held in Gujranwala, being an important industrial town of the country, said deputy governor.
SBP was taking practical steps for the promotion of Islamic banking system in the country, he said adding the bank would organise different seminars for the awareness of WTO rules.
He said export re-finance mark up has been decreased for the promotion of export.
He said that SBP has made the procedure of loans very simple and easy.
Earlier, President GCCI Shaukat Javed presented the address of welcome and informed the deputy governor about the problems and difficulties facing the business community of the town.

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