World Customs Day to be celebrated on January 26

20 Jan, 2004

The Pakistan Customs has announced an ambitious programme to celebrate the International Customs Day on January 26.
The day is celebrated in commemoration of the first session of the Customs Co-operation Council now known as World Customs organisation (WCO) held in Brussels in 1953.
Activities for the day will commence at 30 am at the Customs House here with flag hoisting and march-past.
The member, Customs, Central Board of Revenue (CBR), will grace the occasion. A brief ceremony will be held at 9 am to distribute certificates to the Customs officers and the staff, who have played significant role in enforcing the Customs Act, 1969.
The winners of the declamation contest and painting competition among the schoolchildren at the Customs Public School here will be receiving prizes.
An important item of the day will be a seminar at 11 on the "Role of Customs in protection of the society", to be held at the Directorate of Training and Research, Old Customs House here.
The Customs House and other buildings will be illuminated for the day and special cruise will be arranged for the public in the Customs boats.
A friendly hockey match will be also be played at the Hockey Club of Pakistan at 4 pm.
The Pakistan Customs is the first non-European entity, which joined the inter-governmental organisation, World Co-operation Council' in 1956 and since then, it has been actively participating in the world Customs activities.
The role of Pakistan Customs in safeguarding the interest of the nation in particular and the global community in general needs no explanation. It has been serving the country by ensuring that it is saved from all perils that attempt to cross its border.
These cross-border hazards may be in the form of terrorist equipment and materials or the hazardous nuclear or chemical waste etc.
The threat to the indigenous flora or fauna by foreign infections and ailments etc also falls in this category.
It may also be in the form of a threat to the economy when the contrabands are attempted to be smuggled into the country.
The Pakistan Customs also ensures that the nation is not ripped off its priceless heritage and its flora and fauna. It thwarts the attempts to tarnish the image of the country when the narcotics are seized before crossing the national boundaries.

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