London coal and ore fixtures

16 Jan, 2004

Coal and Ore fixtures notified on January 14, 2004.
"Tian Li Hai": (built 1999) 140000/10 tonnes of coal Richards Bay/Rotterdam 5/15 February approximately $28.75 fio scale/25000sc - Cargill.
"Brazil Star": (built 1983) 170000/10 tonnes of ore Saldanha/Qingdao 15/29 February $34.50 fio scale/25000sc - Kumba.
"CSK Grandeur": (built 2000) 150000/10 tonnes of ore Ubu/Rotterdam 10/20 February $26.00 fio 6 days sc - Rogesa.
"Cobam TBN": 150000/10 tonnes of ore Saldanha Bay/Koper 15/29 February $32.50 fio 2 days sc/25000sc - Voest Alpine.
"Pan Ocean TBN": 150000/10 tonnes of ore Dampier/Beilun & Shanghai 13/22 February $22.00 fio scale/30000sc-20000sc - Fiveseastar.
"Cape Lord": (built 1982) 140000/10 tonnes of ore Tubarao/El Dekheila 20/30 January $26.50 fio scale/30000fc - ANSDK.
"Cosbulk TBN": 140000/10 tonnes of ore Dampier/Qingdao February $25.50 fio scale/CQD - Rio Tinto.
"Chinese TBN": 140000/10 tonnes of ore Dampier/Beilun & Nantong February $35.00 fio scale/CQD - Rio Tinto.

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