Pakistan urges world community to wage war against terrorism

14 Jan, 2004

Pakistan has urged the world community to wage war against terrorism comprehensively on a global front with vision and understanding.
Addressing the UN Security Council on Monday in its meeting on "Threats to the international peace and security caused by terrorist acts", which considered a report by al Qaeda Sanctions Committee, the Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations, Ambassador Munir Akram said: "Such a war against terrorism should not erode the moral values of our society, and it must not be allowed to engender a clash of civilisations."
Munir Akram said that Pakistan was a frontline state in the fight against terrorism, and we have deployed 70,000 troops on our borders with Afghanistan for the interdiction and search of infiltrating or ex-filtrating al Qaeda and Taleban.
He pointed out that Pakistan had developed an effective intelligence network and a quick reaction force for this purpose.

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