US offers Pakistan dialogue to enter into strategic partnership

14 Jan, 2004

A Senior US Administration official on Monday said Pakistan was told of the next steps in strategic partnership between the United States and India before its announcement.
In response to a question, he said: "We are offering Pakistan a dialogue" with regard to entering into a US-Pakistan strategic partnership.
He was conducting a background briefing on South Asian issues at the State Department.
This US-India relationship, he said is in three specific areas ie civilian nuclear activities, civilian space programmes, and high-technology trade, adding: "We are not going to transfer any technology, if there is any fear of diversion. It is very clear to the US, and I'm sure, it is very clear to India as well as to what is a civilian nuclear programme and a military programme; a civilian space programme, etc," and that there would be obvious strict enforcement of export controls, he emphatically told a questioner.
The Official made it clear that the United States "will be offering no assistance to India's nuclear weapons programme or missiles programme", saying "Similarly, the civil space co-operation focuses on extending co-operation in matters of scientific and environmental value-not related with space launch vehicles or high resolution remote sensing."
He also emphasised that the US was not asking here for any changes in the US domestic law or it is asking for any changes in its international obligations, and similarly, this does not diminish in anyway "our concern about India's nuclear weapons or ballistic missiles programme."
Asked, if the announcement of strategic partnership has anything to do with the proposed resumption of Pakistan-India talks next month, the Official said: "No, not at all", adding: "The conversations on both sides with respect to resumption of bilateral dialogues were going on for many months."
"No link at all," was his response asked if there was any pressure from behind on the part of the United States on both the parties in South Asia.
To a question, he said it is also important to emphasise that we are offering India to extend co-operation as India effectively attends to concerns especially in the export controls area.
Earlier, at the outset in a short statement, the Senior Administration Official said in November 2001, President George Bush and Prime Minister Vajpayee agreed to what they called a strategic partnership between United States and India. And since then, United States started building a broader co-operation with India on full range of issues.
In the wake of discussions for co-operation in science and technology, space programme, civilian nuclear area, and the US concern for laws and regulations in India, both sides came to the conclusion that if both parties collaborate, the joint programme could become useful.
Responding to another question, the Official said another thing that he would emphasise was that President Bush talks about expanded co-operation in three areas, including expanded engagement on nuclear regulatory and safety issues and missile defence, ways to enhance co-operation in peaceful uses of space technology, and steps to create appropriate environment for successful high technology commerce.
What we have done is to agree to extend the dialogue between our nuclear regulatory agencies, which were suspended in 1998 through 2002 just a dialogue focused on safety.
He reiterated that the expanded co-operation launched on Tuesday was an important milestone in transforming the relationship between the United States and India whose relationship is base increasingly on common values and common interests.
About past sanctions imposed against certain Indian companies, the Official said the US would like to see that regulations are implemented.

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