Tenders invited for police posts construction

14 Jan, 2004

Under the instructions of Chief Minister Punjab, tenders have been invited for the construction of 24 police patrolling check posts in Faisalabad and Jhang districts with an expenditure of Rs 56.120 million.
According to a spokesmen of the Provincial Works Division, the Punjab government has earmarked an amount of Rs 2.440 million for the construction of each Police Patrolling check post and preliminary work for the construction of these check posts has also been started.
After the completion of tendering process and allotment of work orders, a period of four months would be fixed for the completion of these check posts.
He said that for overcoming the incidents of dacoities, robberies and other crimes taking place on the highways it was important step taken by the Chief Minister Punjab.
The experienced and trained staff would patrol round the clock on the highways, which would ensure the safety of public's life and property, he added.

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